Supporting Your Online Success

All your website needs in one place.

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Hi. I'm Martin. I’m the owner at One Stop Sites as well as a freelance Web Developer. I have been developing, supporting and managing websites for over 10 years.

I started my development career in 2012 building WordPress authority sites, doing SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Social Media Marketing.

Today, I build, deploy and manage many Wordpress websites, as well as some Astro websites, such as this one. Where the website content is not required to be frequently updated, Astro sites offer the best performance.

One Stop Sites offers a one stop service for all your website needs.

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Our Portfolio


Website Design And Development

Website Design And Development

I develop responsive sites using the latest WordPress technologies. This could be from a blank canvas to a custom theme or customising an existing theme.



I build online stores using Woocommerce. Woocommerce was created by the developers of WordPress and it integrates well into a WordPress site.

Website Hosting And Maintenance

Website Hosting And Maintenance

Through my company, One Stop Sites, I offer a complete website hosting service, including regular website maintenance, backups and reports on website traffic.