About Me

Martin Slack

In 2010 my wife and I decided on a career change and we bought a commercial tomato growing business..

After a few years growing hydroponic tomatoes (an interesting experience). I enrolled in a series of courses to learn how to earn a living online. In the process, I learned Wordpress in detail.

I currently develop Wordpress sites for local and online clients using customised themes, premium themes and theme frameworks with customised skins.

My experience includes developing websites from scratch, editing and updating existing websites and dynamic web applications. Through my company, One Stop Sites, I offer web hosting and maintenance services to clients for whom I have developed websites.

More recently, I have been developing websites using Astro, a fast and performant technology. It uses island architecture to run dynamic content.

I studied business at the University of Cape Town, graduating with a Bachelor of Business Science (Honours) in Marketing.

I completed a comprehensive front-end developer course to add formal training to my developer experience. Through both the training and experience I acquired the range of skills necessary for front-end development, including the following.

Technical Skills

Design and Photographic Skills

My years in business provided much experience that is relevant to developing websites as commercial investments. In particular, marketing skills have proved very useful.

Business Skills