
Website Design and Development

I build responsive sites using the latest WordPress technologies.

This could be from a blank canvas to a custom theme or customising an existing theme.

I also build websites using Astro, a new, performant and fast website framework.


Woocommerce was created by the developers of WordPress and it integrates well into a WordPress site. Woocommerce gives you a great deal of control over all aspects of your online store, including product, pricing and shipping options.

I have extensive experience with customisation of Woocommerce sites. I can help you achieve outcomes like having both a retail and a wholesale version of your e-commerce store on a single website.

Website Hosting and Maintenance

One Stop Sites offers a complete website hosting service. I am happy to clone and install your existing site on our servers or establish a new site from scratch. This includes purchasing and hosting a domain for you, if that is required.